Federico Garcia Lorca Epistolario completo : Libro I (1910-1926) al cuidado de Christopher Maurer Libro II (1927-1936) al cuidado de Andrew A. Anderson
Español Spanish Ediciones Cátedra / Catedra Ediciones 938 páginas ISBN-10843761516X ISBN-13978-8437615165 Approx. 13.5 x 4.5 x 21.5 cm
Description It is about offering a clear text of all the correspondence of García Lorca during the period 1910-1936. From data that emerge from the correspondence itself, those letters that are not dated will be dated and data and information of interest will be interpreted for the study of his literary work.
#FedericoGarciaLorca #Español #Spanish letter collection #スペイン文学 #スペイン語 #書簡 ガルシア ロルカ 戯曲 劇作家 文学史 Drama Poesía
Federico Garcia Lorca
Epistolario completo :
Libro I (1910-1926) al cuidado de Christopher Maurer
Libro II (1927-1936) al cuidado de Andrew A. Anderson
Ediciones Cátedra / Catedra Ediciones
938 páginas
Approx. 13.5 x 4.5 x 21.5 cm
It is about offering a clear text of all the correspondence of García Lorca during the period 1910-1936. From data that emerge from the correspondence itself, those letters that are not dated will be dated and data and information of interest will be interpreted for the study of his literary work.
#FedericoGarciaLorca #Español #Spanish letter collection
#スペイン文学 #スペイン語 #書簡
ガルシア ロルカ 戯曲 劇作家 文学史 Drama Poesía