01.ダーティー Produced by DJ JIN 02.ゆめのしま Produced By The Anticipation #Based Illicit Tsuboi 03.スクリーム Produced by Mr. Drunk 04.ドサンピンブルース feat. キエるマキュウ Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi 05.ダーティーサイエンス Produced by The Anticipation “Mad” Illicit Tsuboi 06.グラキャビ Produced by Mr. Drunk 07.ナイスミドル Produced by DJ Viblam 08.サバイバー Produced by Maki The Magic 09. Deejay Deejay Produced by DJ JIN 10.ノーサイド Produced by DJ Watarai 11.It’s A New Day Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi 12.The Choice Is Yours Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi
japanese rap 日本語ラップ DJ Premier Wu Tang nas down north camp PUNPEE slack 5lack green assassin dollar 仙人掌 issugi イスギ 16flip jjj KID fresino febb c.o.s.a PSG seeda scars norikiyo bach logic olive oil 紅桜 MONJU 田我流 swanky swipe MEGA-G NIPPS B.D. TETRAD dusty husky blahrmy dinary d.l.i.p. dlip d.d.s mulbe 舐達麻 anarchy budamunk zorn mitsu the beats blahrmy NAGMATIC
ダーティーサイエンス 【完全生産限定盤/アナログ盤】(2013年リリース)
Produced by DJ JIN
Produced By The Anticipation #Based Illicit Tsuboi
Produced by Mr. Drunk
04.ドサンピンブルース feat. キエるマキュウ
Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi
Produced by The Anticipation “Mad” Illicit Tsuboi
Produced by Mr. Drunk
Produced by DJ Viblam
Produced by Maki The Magic
09. Deejay Deejay
Produced by DJ JIN
Produced by DJ Watarai
11.It’s A New Day
Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi
12.The Choice Is Yours
Produced by The Anticipation Illicit Tsuboi
japanese rap 日本語ラップ
DJ Premier Wu Tang nas down north camp PUNPEE slack 5lack green assassin dollar 仙人掌 issugi イスギ 16flip jjj KID fresino febb c.o.s.a PSG seeda scars norikiyo bach logic olive oil 紅桜 MONJU 田我流 swanky swipe MEGA-G NIPPS B.D. TETRAD dusty husky blahrmy dinary d.l.i.p. dlip d.d.s mulbe 舐達麻 anarchy budamunk zorn mitsu the beats blahrmy NAGMATIC